From rat race to jungle: adventures in wonderland

Charting the adventures of a twenty something, leaving the 'better the devil you know' of London, and heading out to rural ayrshire for six months to live with boyfriend, before jetting to central america, for a 4 month expedition in the jungle.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fundraising Success and Arrival of Passport!

The wine and cheese fundraiser was a huge success - we had over 60 people attending, the flowers looked absolutely amazing, the artwork was fantastic (and together these transformed the room we were using) and the wine and cheese/nibbles were plentiful and delicious. And, almost most importantly for me, we managed to raise over £1400 for Raleigh International!! Hurrah! That's my fundraising over and done with - woooo hoooo! So, thanks very much to Savills who hosted the event, and to the Savills Ayr office in particular who were all simply the best. Now all I need to do is find £650 to pay for the rest of my flights by the end of the month. I think my freelancing work for my London client will cover that but this depends on them paying me within the next couple of weeks (never a given).

AND, a rattity rattity tat at the door this morning at half eight . "Half eight?" I snorted to myself as I stomped to the front door (we don't have a letter box so the postie always leaves our post in the barn adjacent to the house), swung open the door, and there was a blue eyed weegee who said "Miss Alice L M M Ferrero?"

I blinked away the sleep from my eyes and wondered whether to be cross at this early Saturday morning invasion. Then it dawned on me.
"ARGH, you've got my passport?"

And so it became, that I am the proudest owner ever of a spanking new biometric passport, which has lovely pictures of birds (flight - freedom etc) on each page. I'm not sure whether it's a good thing that this piece of Queen's property has an actual antenna inside it (all coiled up on the back of the photo page) - presumably I can be tracked at all times by a satelite?? (Come to think about it, this is quite useful for when I've been kidnapped by drug runners in Central America) Anyhow, it's all rather big brotherish and not something I agree with or would vote for, but at least it's brand new and I can now travel without being arrested for posessing an invalid passport.


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