Week 2 of the Parsley Experiment
It's coming to the end of Week 2, and the parsley is really going for it. Below, I have pasted documentary evidence of the Parsley Situation. My original plan was to plant parsley in different ways and to see which works the best - from snug n'warm pots to the exposed. I am begining to feel some sort of amazing conclusion unravel within me which I think can be applied to all living creatures as a result of how my parsley fares.
NB: Through stern observation, I've added the hypothesis that Parsley doesn't like being watered too much. Nor does coriander. My coriander is all dead.
Week 2
Pot 1,2,3 or 4: exposed

Without support, these little weaklings have no strength to carry on. Their leaves (can you call them leaves?) are too heavy for their weak little stems. NB they are ridden of their anaemic look, however they are limited in number and will certainly not make a healthy pot of parsley for me.
Goodness me! What is this? A plethora of healthy stems itching to grow the fastest and get the most sun! What a competitive bunch. This pot is practically a microcosm of a jungle. I think I even saw a bug inside the cup. So far, so good. But what about the jamjar pot that I mentioned last time?
Pot 3: pot within a taller jamjar
Note the confusion - the panic, the scramble to get out of the top of the jamjar. Each, in his fear of being dragged back down to the earthy pit, has wrapped his long stem around the next - thus all are tangled, and all will fail.
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