Shuna photos and rabid arms

I, for one look very like a split pumpkin in this photo, with a life jacket which had to eventually be tied on with baler twine. Charlie and Liv are clearly the trendy London couple with their goretex yomper kit.
This weekend on Shuna followed the Taylor McKenzie Christmas Party which apparently culminated with Jonny, one of the lads working there to declare that he was / is a man trapped in a woman's body. I did think it was odd that he wore eyeliner, despite the fact he's a rocker in a rock band. Sadly no other gossip ensued.

I had my rabies jab today which was fairly painfree, only 2 more to go before I'm immune (and thankfully rabies injections no longer go in through the stomach...can you imagine...) however the doctor confirmed my long-held suspicion that I've never had the BCG for TB, so I was given the tester shot, under the skin on my left forearm - now that was painful! How little kiddies manage that one without being in hysterics is beyond me.
Apparently the reason the actual BCG scars people's arms, is because one of the effects of TB is to turn healthy lung into useless scar tissue, and when a small amount of the virus is injected into your arm as an innoculation, it causes the same scarring effect that the actual disease would do to your lung...nasty.
So, tonight I have a sore arm full of rabies, and I'm wondering at what stage I might get a little hydrophobic and start frothing at the mouth. Nevermind, where there is no water, there can be wine. Mulled wine at that...mmmmm.
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