Fame at last!

I think it's a sign of success when you find yourself in the local paper! Here's a copy of Tuesday's Ayrshire Post with me and Hugo circled in red next to the famous Rosemary Shraeger.(The paper was my number one source of job hunting when I first moved up here - potentially also the reason it took me so long to find a job...) It's a great read though if you like looking at pictures of primary school children dressing up as Guy Fawkes. It is nothing like as good as the cerebral Shoreham Herald, which a great friend used to write for. Now, that was a cracking read. There's something about local papers that warms the heart, and fuels the fire. Now that I've tasted fame, I'm going to have to keep going to these local events to see if I can get into the paper again! I can see this becoming an addiction.
A parsley update is coming soon - an interesting development has arisen...
Cerebral? Never! Gutted you never mentioned the Shoreham Herald..
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