Some photos of my trip to Carona, Conte Burika

I've got about ten minutes to update my blog so thought I'd get some photos on. This first one is of the horse me managed to hijack on our 8 hour walk from Panama back into Costa Rica. Our guide failed to show up, but we had randomly bumped into someone from the village at the boarder crossing who turned out to be an absolute super star, and accompanied us the whole 15km over countless big hills, walking along paths so eroded that sometimes we were 2m below ground level, drinking river water and eating wild oranges along the way.

This second one is of me and Wilbur, the guide, at the Panama, Costa Rica boarder in the middle of nowhere, me looking towards Costa Rica and Wilbur standing in Panama. AFter crossing this way, but being legally still in Panama, we later had to sneak back over the boarder from Costa Rica into Panama and then re-enter Costa Rica. In the end it was stupidly easy and it doesn't take a genuis to see that drug running here is one of the easiest ways of making some wonga.
That's all I've got time for now, we are off rafting down a grade 4 river in about 2 minutes, so I've got to go. Lots of love to all and hope you are enjoying this blog...
Hon! You're the next Ray Mears - genius story telling as always. Make sure you try to get to Tamarindo on the Pacific side for more surfing - stay in Villas Macondo if you can....oh, and watch out for that cockroach poo........ :) Your future sister in lawxxxx
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