A half year update
In September last year, which is when I posted my last entry, I made the conscious decision not to write any more posts, because the whole purpose of the blog was to talk about moving from London to Scotland, going on a 3 month expedition to the jungles of Costa Rica & mountains of Nicaragua, and then say 'wahay, life is sorted and I'm so glad it's all worked out'. Full stop.
However, (although I can only presume that no-one checks this site anymore) I can't help but write this short 'post script', in a 'here's where I am now, happily ever after' kind of way, because in about three weeks time, I am getting married; hitched, wedded, I'll be a Mrs, a missus, a life long friend, lover, tennis partner, cinema goer, restaruant co-critique, foreign adventure partaker, mountain climber, dog walker, boat co-captain, fishing buddy, cartridge picker-upper, and navigator, amongst many other things, to Hugo.
Life since September has been revolving around getting back into the safe-but-frustrating world of full time employment. For the last seven months I have been doing corporate communications for a rather large engineering company in Glasgow. Safe, because I like coming to work, opening Outlook, making my coffee, saying 'good morning' to lots of people etc. Frustrating, because there's a limit to how anyone's patience can hold, when dealing with a host of very inefficient, very uncommunicative, very uncooperative, very political people. Anyone who thinks politics is limited to the corridors of Westminster, try a stint here, I challenge you.
We've bought a great pad in the posh bit of Glasgow with wooden floors, high ceilings, a quirky mezzanine spare bed / study and a socking great kitchen. Rather than taking me an hour and a half each way to commute, I'm done in 10 minutes, on my bike.
I ran a half marathon with my 2 fab bridesmaids, in under 2 hours.
I've written and now completed the pictures for "Puffy and his long lost love", a children's tale of a penguin who sadly loses his love Norah, during a storm, but with the help of a wise Puffin, a blind polar bear and a gay ice hawk, and a series of adventures, manages to find her again.
And I've been co-organising with mum, the biggest and best day of my life!
So, for anyone who idly wondered what had become of me, here it is. I hope this was the ending you wanted.