A topsy turvy time
It's Monday morning and I am not sitting at my desk at work; instead I am sitting in my usual blogging location at home by the window, watching the world go by. I am not at work because James has conjunctivitis and looks like he has done two rounds with Mike Tyson. VERY sadly, this means nursery can't have him there to infect all the other babies which means I have to very reluctantly of course, take the time off work to be with him and nurse him better.
Whilst I delicately suck my wisdom tooth which appears to have blown up in the last 48 hours, I thought I'd take advantage of some down time to fill you in on the topsy turvy time we've been having. Perhaps easiest as a list.
1. 3 Friday's ago, Hugo and I were driving to an appointment at the local maternity hospital where my NEW pregnancy was confirmed as live and kicking at 14 weeks gestation. (Hence the exitement at still fitting my size 10 work clothes in my last entry!)
2. En-route, our landlord called with a determined edge to his voice. Not a good time to call, we'd call him back.
3. Clutching a scan photo of our new baby, we wobbled back to the car to make this call.
4. Notice on our living arrangement was given and we have until the 28th March to find a new house.
5. There is nothing on the open market, apart from red brick semi's in hideous cul de sacs in the south of glasgow.
6. Hence our decision (3 weeks later) to look for property in the countryside, north of Glasgow, ideally in Stirlingshire
7. Meanwhile I'm back at work trying to pin Ben down for a meeting to tell him this Very Important News. Ben gets increasingly irate and elusive. I end up calling HR and telling them my Very Important News.
8. Two weeks later, e.g. now 4 months pregnant, I finally get time set aside with Ben (this is my second meeting with him in the first month I have been back). I have been doing a lot of sucking my tummy in and wearing bump-masking clothes (although to be fair, it's still tiny).
9. I finally break my news to Ben who bizarely reacts in the correct manner (e.g 'congratulations'). However, I'm sworn to secrecy for another fortnight so I've got to get to 18 weeks pregnant without anyone from work guessing.
10. We have our flat valued and it's worth no more than we paid for it, but we still think we might sell. Either way, we're never going to manage to find a house, put an offer in, get the offer accepted, transfer the money and do all the legal stuff, and move in by end March. So, we're going to be homeless unless we rent.
11. If we rent on a short term lease I will be giving birth as the lease runs out. So, it's going to have to be a year's lease.
12. ARGH. I think I'm going mad thinking about it all, rather like a humungous jigsaw puzzle which has no corners to get you started.
That said, I'm viewing a property with James today near Drymen, so hopefully it will be alright. This will be the third property I've seen, everything so far has either reduced me to tears or alcohol.
So, that's my topsy turvy time and hopefully by my next post I'll have some serious contenders of properties to share with you.